Our Mission

Get homes in Canada to net zero.



Increase interest in retrofits by offering useful tools & resources that help navigate the electrification revolution.

Get curious people in the door. 🚪

Understanding the basics of retrofitting and how to access the right grants is confusing. The complexity means many are put off or don’t know where to start. We give homeowners a simple way to explore the opportunity.

Try our retrofitting calculator.

Help them finish the job. 💪

Once a user has expressed interest, we can help them navigate the grant process and connect them with the right contractors. Plus, we’re on-call to answer questions and to check-in if they lose momentum.

The result: more people retrofitting their homes.


Organize our users in support of electrification policy.

Getting people set on their retrofitting journey is only half the battle. We also have to protect and enhance the programs that fund this massive electrification revolution and their related policies.

For example, The Greener Homes Initiative is a cornerstone of decarbonization policy in Canada. Since it was launched in May 2021 it has been popular — so popular, that without continued investment the program risks running out of funds and stalling momentum for home retrofitting. To ensure the work continues into 2030, investment in the program needs to double.

By building a network of homeowners through our free services, we create opportunities to:

🧠 Improve people’s understanding of household electrification and related policy

🎯 Turn-out voters where it matters for politicians who champion retrofit programs like the Greener Homes Initiative.

The Numbers

Since the GHI began in 2021, around 160,000 retrofits have been completed — 1.5% of the estimated 11 million retrofits needed to align with Canada's 2050 climate goals.

We're a Supermajority initiative, an incubator focused on developing organizations that increase civic engagement in Canada.

Why Us?

We’re organizing veterans

Our founders have extensive experience with get-out-the-vote tactics.

We’re digital product specialists

Staff members include experienced service and UX/UI designers.

We’re informed by industry experts

We’re building solutions that work for service organizations and energy auditors.